On November 16th at 7:00 p.m. the City Council of the City of Walnut Creek will consider adopting a wireless moratorium while it considers creating a new wireless ordinance.
The City Council conducted a study session last Thursday to hear from the public. Carriers were present at the study session, but according to published reports they did not speak at the meeting.
Here is the agenda item (No. 4a):
Wireless communications facilities, including cellular telephone antenna, proposed to be located in the City require a conditional use permit and/or design review approval pursuant to the City’s Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (Walnut Creek Municipal Code section 10-2.3.120). While these facilities are commercial in nature, at times cellular telephone companies propose to locate these facilities in residential or open space areas. As indicated by the City Council at its special meeting on November 10, 2010, the City Council will consider adopting a moratorium on construction of new wireless communications facilities in residential or open space areas pending consideration of a work program to amend the Wireless Facilities Communications Ordinance. Staff Contact: Paul Valle-Riestra, City Attorney, (925) 943-5813.
Proposed ordinance is forthcoming
Paul Valle-Riestra, Walnut Creek’s City Attorney, is also an outstanding telecom lawyer. This should be interesting!