Findlaw is reporting that AT&T Wireless is offering some of its customers a free in-home microcell (sometimes called a femtocell) … for customer who repeatedly complain about dropped calls.
According to Findlaw, “If you have complained to AT&T about your coverage or have used their application to report dropped calls, you are likely to be contacted by AT&T regarding this offer. It’s something to consider if you haven’t already decided to switch to Verizon. Customers report already beginning to receive letters with offer codes in the mail. If you have difficulty with service at your home or office but haven’t received an offer in the mail, it’s probably wise to call AT&T and give them a little nudge.”
The AT&T “Mark the Spot” app, available at the iTunes Store, is your ticket to reporting AT&T service problems. It’s also the apparent way to get AT&T’s attention that you should get one of their free femtocell.
This is an interesting tool for many reasons, not the least of which is that some smart municipal attorneys might very well look to ‘discover’ this data when AT&T files a law suit in light of a government’s siting permit denial.
…I’m just say’n…
Anyway, I do think that this is an interesting way to try to maintain customers who might be thinking about jumping to Verizon’s iPhone service (even with its data speed and multitasking limitations, but that’s a different posting).
For AT&T’s information on its in-house microcell/femtocell, CLICK HERE.

We purchased our cell phones in Dec.2010 and do not have phone service, we’re with alltel and had little signal to none with att taking over. Heard of free microcells would like one please.
We are currently under our son’s business plan, purchased in January 2011, containing 5 phone lines. In September 2011, my husband and I were flooded out of our home and needed to move. We are now in a location that has no cell phone reception. We have inquired several times for assistance. We have been told that there is nothing that they can do to help us. A booster costs $199.00 and we need to purchase it, no discounts, no assistance, just buy it and try it. There was talk of us switching to Verizon, but to be honest, it is just easier to stay with AT&T at this point. We certainly could use any assistance you can provide. Thank you.