A couple of years ago, John Pestle and I conducted a cell tower lease rent analysis for the International Municipal Lawyers Association. That study was valuable to show that cell site rents were all over the spectrum by location, deal points, time, and other components.
To assist my municipal attorneys and municipal consultant colleagues evaluate offers and craft better terms for leasing government property for cell sites, I’m starting a separate page here at CellTowerSites.com to track cell site transactions (leases; licenses; amendments; terminations; etc.). The page will contain links to actual documents, and a short analysis of the key points of each transaction. Brief general information about new cell site documents uploaded to this site will be posted in public view.
Note that the tracking site page will only be available to registered users who prove themselves to me to be municipal attorneys, private attorneys who work for municipalities as outside or contract counsel, or selected municipal consultants.
If you’d like to have access to the private site page and you are not already a registered user here, you’ll need for first register for access to this site using THIS PAGE. Once you’ve registered, come back to this page and fill out the form below. I’ll upgrade your registration to note your access to the private page area.