Now that Assembly Bill 162 has been removed from California’s legislative agenda for 2013, it’s vital that we remember that the Bill is not dead; it is merely awaiting a rebirth in some form in 2014.
Because of the reality of re-emergence, we need to continue to educate Assembly Member Holden and his staff about the inherent unintended consequences of this seemingly simple, yet highly technical legislation.
Coupled with education, we must work with elected officials in the Assembly and Senate to show them that there is no significant special problem for AB 162 to try and fix.
Finally, we need to continue monitoring what happens at the federal level with Section 6409(a). That legislation, which has serious constitutional deficiencies, will be vicariously defended by the wireless industry. We also need to track that happens with the pending U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding the FCC’s Shot Clock in the Arlington case.
Thanks are due to hundreds of constituents, local governments, and staffers who all came together to work with Mr. Holden to explain why AB 162 as proposed and then amended is not in the best interests of the people of California.
We also owe genuine thanks to Mr. Holden for hearing those many voices and pulling back his Bill…for now…rather than forcing a slug-out in Sacramento.
It’s true…bad facts do make bad law.