I’m very pleased to share with all of you, my friends, that I have received the attached letter confirming my award of a Masters of Law in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law degree.
This marks the culmination of my legal studies with Strathclyde University School of Law in Glasgow.
To earn my degree, I spent two years on coursework; wrote some 24 separate research papers spanning some 45,000 words regarding Internet and Telecom law from a U.S. and European perspective. Then I wrote my 25th and final paper: my 42-page dissertation on the skimpy 145 words contained in Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 and its expected impacts on wireless siting jurisprudence in the Ninth Circuit.
I earned a 90/100 grade on my dissertation, an unusually high score for which I was very grateful, especially to Christina Spirelli at Strathclyde.
I also know I would not have earned such a high score without the helpful critiques…call them repeated verbal body slams…of my two dissertation draft readers, Natalia Shparber and Robert (“Tripp”) May, III.
Education is a wonderful thing. Pass the word on…
You may click on the image
above to enlarge and read it.
The highlights in the letter are mine.

Very nice work. Congratulations.