UPDATE: Seems like the voters in the 33rd were not looking for rolls of tin foil. Mr. Mottus received just 2.4% of the votes cast. He came in 7th. The 6th place candidate had a hair shy of 3-times as many votes compared with Mr. Mottus.
Meet Mr. Kevin Mottus. He is running for Congress to fill the 33rd Congressional Seat here in Los Angeles being vacated by 40-year veteran congressional Henry Waxman.
I don’t think Mr. Mottus will be getting any campaign donations from the PCIA, CTIA, or the California Wireless Association.
Mr. Mottus seems to think of brain cancer as his chief opponent in the race for the 33rd District seat, and that cancer is from only one possible source. Yup. You guessed it.
The campaign website of Mr. Mottus makes clear his big issue — the one that populates the majority of his front page, and is reenforced by an entire page devoted to scare videos. He asserts that “[w]ithout any actual Safety Standards in place for this Technology, we are being used as a Massive Human Experiment on the long term Health Effects from RF Radiation Exposure from Wireless.”
Gee, I thought 47 C.F.R. 1.1307 et seq were those actual Safety Standards.
Listen to the recorded message Mr. Mottus bombarding via autodialers to 33rd District residents: