Last night I presented at the City of Calabasas, California’s Communications and Technology Commission on the new FCC rules implementing Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. I also talked about a bunch of other stuff the FCC added in to the mix. If you’re in to such things you may find the video (below) of my presentation and the Q&A that followed to be useful, or at least entertaining. Maybe even both.
To better understand some elements in my lecture, please understand that it followed immediately after planning item where Verizon Wireless came to the City to permit-in-arrears a site they modified without first securing City permits. This was the sixth time they had modified their cell sites in the City without benefit of first securing City permits.
Thanks to the City of Calabasas for putting the video up on their YOUTUBE channel.
My discussion is based on my own opinions and does not reflect the position of any government, but it might.