Word is that Comcast may make a run to marry T-Mobile, and beat out Dish to the alter.
It is nothing less than brilliant for Comcast AND T-Mobile. Local governments will have a less favorable view.
Comcast finally gets the quad-play in house, and T-Mobile almost overnight solves its coverage problems in Comcast’s footprint. Comcast will deploy PCS radios on its strand and in its pedestals, and use its network for backhaul. It will integrate the shared CableWIFI platform to provide more T-Mobile connectivity outside of Comcast’s footprint. Comcast will get a wireless video delivery platform.
…and Dish will be stuck with all that upload bandwidth that will decrease in value.
Local governments will find that applying their wireless ordinances to their all-time favorite cable TV franchisee will be, ah, challenging.
Now THIS is going to be fun.
PS: What should we call the two of them: T-Cast? Naw, Brian would never allow his name to be second. Comobile? Maybe.