Hot news just in: AB 162 has been pulled from this year’s legislative calender.
This means that the Bill will not come up for consideration until at least next January.
Many people; many local associations; and many local governments have been instrumental in achieving this result, and they all deserve thanks.
This, however, is not a time to gloat; this is a time to educate the elected who were not aware of what was happening, and to continue to educate the elected who were in the loop about the important issues, both policy and technical, which surround this discussion.
Education is vital because AB 162 is not dead; merely pushed to next year’s legislative calendar. Our goal should be to work to showing the various parties why this Bill should be withdrawn from any future consideration.
Thanks to all who helped get out the word…don’t give up now…there’s still the Bill out there.

Thank you for all you have done to educate and warn us about AB162.