For those of you who write cell tower leases to protect site landlords, I’m sure you will be interested in a feature scholarly article that I had the privilege of co-authoring with Christina (Chris) Sansone of the Sansone Law Firm.
Titled, “What Landlords Should Know About Cell Site Leasing” and published in the current issue of the California Real Property Journal (the journal of the Real Property Section of the State Bar of California), this is a nuts and bolts guide for practitioners. Its text is also written to be clearly understandable to non-practitioner landlords and property managers.
The text of the article, supported by nearly 100 footnotes, addresses nearly every facet of cell site leasing from initial negotiations through the end of the lease, whether by termination, expiration, or sale.
I’m particularly proud that our missive was selected as the MCLE Self-Study Article for this issue of the Journal. Attorneys may earn 1.0 hours of general MCLE credit for reading the article and then answering multiple choice questions regarding the content of the article. Information about how to secure MCLE credit for reading our work may be found at the end of the article.
If you are a member of the Real Property Law Section of the State Bar of California, you should have already received your copy by mail.
As for the contents of the article, credit Chris for all of the good stuff, as well as her excellent research and analysis. You can blame me for the stuff you don’t like.