Off topic: Cable TV Revenues in California

Each year, under California’s statewide cable TV franchise law (DIVCA) the California Public Utilities sets a fee to offset its administration costs.  It releases a report each year setting that fee.  As part of the 2013-2014 draft report, just released at, the Commission disclosed that the Cable Industry’s gross video income for 2012 (the calculating basis) was $5,492,310,300.  When I say video service. that exclude income from Internet, Telephony, and a host of other income sources for cable TV systems.

The California Cable & Telecommunications Association reports that there are 5.5 million cable subscribers in this state.

Doing some very complicated math with the aid of a supercomputer on my cell phone, it turns out that the average annual video fee paid by each California cable subscriber in 2012 was $998.60, or $83.22 per month for just video service.

I find this interesting.




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