The FCC voted to approve T-Mobile’s application to acquire MetroPCS.
The next step–and perhaps the last real hurdle before the merger can be completed–is an affirmative vote of MetroPCS shareholders during a scheduled April 12 shareholders meeting.
For MetroPCS site landlords, this is a major step towards the shuttering of some 10,000 MetroPCS sites. See my story on this from last November.
Most likely, the earliest hits will occur to cell sites that presently have both MetroPCS and T-Mobile leases. The likely next round will be for MetroPCS sites located near existing T-Mobile sites. Finally, it’s quite likely that some T-Mobile sites will be shuttered where an existing collocated or nearby MetroPCS site will better suit the needs of the merged company. This may well be the case if you area a T-Mobile site Landlord currently receiving an ab0ve-market rental rate, and a suitable nearby MetroPCS site is available for joint use.
Is your existing cell site lease and income at risk? No-charge lease analysis for MetroPCS and T-Mobile Landlords.
If you are presently a MetroPCS or T-Mobile site Landlord, Telecom Law Firm, P.C. is offering a no-charge, no obligation lease review to help you quantify your risk, prepare for possible site termination, and develop strategies to deal with the outgoing carrier. Just give us a call toll-free on 855-CELL SITE (855-235-5748 ) and let’s talk. You won’t be on the clock.