Just about 4 minutes ago, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time the saga of Time Warner Cable and CBS entered its second month. Time Warner Cable still says they are taking the high road to hold down cable prices, and CBS still says that they want to be paid a fair price for the highest rated network.
Congress and the FCC have made noises reminding each side of its duty to the public, which has fallen on deaf ears.
At this point, CBS seems determined to let this stupidity continue to the start of the football season. They appear to be betting that once Time Warner Cable subscribers don’t get football, the will get another provider.
Personally, I don’t have the football gene, so it’s no big deal to me, but I do miss the CBS news programs line 60 Minutes, Sunday Morning, the local CBS new channels in L.A. (2 and 9).
I’ve said it before; and I’ll say it even louder now: More Pox, please! So far the pox I’ve tossed hasn’t hit home.
Oh, by the way, I spent a bit over an hour today waiting in line at Time Warner Cable office in Santa Monica. Why? To snatch up one of the DTV antennas they’re handing out for free.
Later this weekend, I’ll post here about the antenna, with pictures. Hold your breath, just like I’m holding mine for a resolution of the TIme Warner Cable v. CBS battle.
PS: It was about 80 degrees waiting in line at the TWC office. If I were in the marketing department at Dish, I’d be setting up free lemonade stands right outside of every Time Warner Cable office in L.A. “If Time Warner gives you lemons, take Dish Lemonade…and this sign up form.”