The last twenty-four hours have seen two tower incidents resulting in at least three tower climber deaths, the subsequent death of a local firefighter, and two additional serious injuries.
The first fatal incident occurred last night in Bluetown, Texas, where a solo tower climber fell from a tower standing more than 1,000 fee tall. The unidentified man died from head trauma.
The climber was found by local deputies at about 6 p.m. local time last night. He was found some 30 feet away from the tower. This suggests the climber fell from a great height.
The second fatal incident was a tower failure today in Clarksburg, West Virginia. That failure took the lives of two tower workers. Later, during the rescue, a local firefighter was injured during a secondary tower collapse. That firefighter later died of his injuries.
Two tower workers on the ground in the Clarksburg tower failure were also injured.